Thursday, August 9, 2012

University Tour

On August 4th, I went to the University of Chicago and Northwestern University with my friends (Byron, Xixi, and Maggie) because Xixi is going to college next year. The university of Chicago has a library. I saw a lot of books. My dad and mom went to Northwestern University and my Dad got a PHD at Northwestern. For Lunch, we had Carmen's Pizza. I ate one slice of pepperoni and I had a little salad. I had orange juice for a drink. After we had pizza, we went to the beach. We digged a hole and put water in it like a lake.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Paper Airplane for Sale

I made my paper airplanes today. My friend Hannah and I wanted to sell paper airplanes for 1 cent each. Buy one get one free! I had 3 brands -- Dragon, Storm, and Lego. I also had 3 styles, colorful style, special style and plain style. Do you like my paper airplanes?

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Science and Industry Museum

At the science and industry museum I saw a lot of things. I saw a movie "Born to be Wild", it was very fun. I saw people taking care of baby animals in the movie. I saw people taking care of baby monkeys and elephants. I also saw robots dancing and how to make toys. I also learned if something is floating in the air it goes very fast but if you run on some other surfact it makes you slow down. I saw the 505 submarine, it was very cool.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Sean and Basketball

Hi I am Sean Li. I love Basketball because Basketball is fun exciting and most importantly it is big. I hope I can play NBA because I love Basketball so much. I also play WII Basketball (2K11). Every weekend, I play about 2 hours of Basketball in the Gym. I also played 3 seasons of the YMCA - Kindergarten (Blue team), First Grade (Blue team), and First and 2nd Grade (Red team). At Red team, my average was 12 points, 4 rebounds, 2 assists and 2 steals.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sean and his books

向阳最近迷上了写书。 说的好听呢,是图文并茂。 说的不好听呢,也就是找几张纸片,涂涂写写, 然后订在一起。

"Book of Buzz Light Year!"
1. Once upon a time, there was a boy named Andy and he had a toy named Woody;
2. He got new toys that he didn't know;
3. Andy played with Woody for a long time and then he found his new toys;
4. One day, Andy got a special toy named Buzz;
5. Now Andy played with Buzz;
6. All his things in "Woody" now changed to "Buzz"; (I think he meant school bag, bed cover etc from the movie :))
7. Buzz got a spaceship;
8. Buzz had to fix his spaceship......


第二本作品是: Yertle the Turtle...
是向阳在看Dr Susse的书时有感而发写的。 确切地说, 是妈妈写文,向阳配图。

今天,妈妈收拾东西, 发现了向阳刚刚开始的新作。

"Book of Pig"
1. Once upon a time (万变不变开头), there was a farmer that have a pig that was pink. The Farmer have a pile of mud.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


昨天下午刚刚从圣地亚哥度假回来,今天一大早就忙着准备新年聚餐。 每年爸爸妈妈都要在新年第一天请Ros一家来吃Brunch(早午饭), 今年也不例外。 连妈妈做假期安排时, 也专门将回程订到新年前。

向阳这次度假玩儿疯了, 习惯了人多热闹。 每天有其他小朋友陪着, 不是逛公园, 就是几家人聚餐。 今天一听说有人来,开心地帮着妈妈收拾东西, 摆桌子, 真成一个得力的小帮手了。 Ros一家一如既往地给向阳带来了新年礼物。 Lauren给向阳的一个Ornament Set让向阳尤为喜欢, 急急忙忙地吃完饭,给Ornament涂色。 饭后, 向阳弹琴, 画画, 下象棋 -- 十八般武艺全都用上了。 看来爸爸妈妈不用另外投资entertainment了, 客人来了, 向阳来entertain就好了:)。 大家聊聊近况, 旅游计划, 新颖的电子产品, 一个轻松惬意的下午就不知不觉地溜走了。

傍晚时分, 木耳妈妈打电话来, 邀请去吃包子。 这等好事当然不能错过。 向阳回到芝加哥一下飞机, 就催着妈妈打电话找木耳姐姐玩。 这时一听到要去木耳家, 顿时欢呼雀跃起来。 两个好朋友见面, 开心不已, 向阳连外套都顾不得脱就和木耳玩起来。 两个小朋友玩的开心, 爸爸妈妈吃得满意 -- 木耳妈妈真是越来越心灵手巧了呀! 包子不仅肉馅鲜美, 还有饱满的汤汁, 一咬满口流香。 真是正如乖宝妈说的, 同样是交了学费上的MBA, 怎么人家就里外一把手呢, 惭愧惭愧!

饭后, 妈妈和木耳妈妈带着两个小人玩游戏。 两个小人才艺表演, 木耳表演了芭蕾舞, 唱歌; 向阳是跆拳道, 摇滚乐。 向阳前几天过节天天和表哥斗嘴打架, 回来后和爸爸妈妈斗嘴,和木耳做游戏时还有些斗志不减。 希望向阳过几天后会回到以前的状态:), 木耳姐姐不要介意呦。

祝大家新的一年健康快乐,万事如意, 心想事成!
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers