Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sean and his books

向阳最近迷上了写书。 说的好听呢,是图文并茂。 说的不好听呢,也就是找几张纸片,涂涂写写, 然后订在一起。

"Book of Buzz Light Year!"
1. Once upon a time, there was a boy named Andy and he had a toy named Woody;
2. He got new toys that he didn't know;
3. Andy played with Woody for a long time and then he found his new toys;
4. One day, Andy got a special toy named Buzz;
5. Now Andy played with Buzz;
6. All his things in "Woody" now changed to "Buzz"; (I think he meant school bag, bed cover etc from the movie :))
7. Buzz got a spaceship;
8. Buzz had to fix his spaceship......


第二本作品是: Yertle the Turtle...
是向阳在看Dr Susse的书时有感而发写的。 确切地说, 是妈妈写文,向阳配图。

今天,妈妈收拾东西, 发现了向阳刚刚开始的新作。

"Book of Pig"
1. Once upon a time (万变不变开头), there was a farmer that have a pig that was pink. The Farmer have a pile of mud.

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